
Film Articles

My Articles

These my latest film articals of film I’ve recently viewed.

Barefoot Gen

Barefooot Gen is a 1983 Japanese anime war drama based of the Japanese manga of the same name. The film revolves around two young brothers and the events that unfold surrounding the bombing of Hiroshima as well as thee experiences with it. Barefoot Gen is a tragic...

Royal Space Force: The Wings of Honneamise Review

Royale Space Force: The Wings of Honneamise is a 1987 Japanese animated science fiction film written and directed by Hiroyuki Yamaga. The film takes place in an alternative world were a disgruntled young man called Shirotsugh is inspired by an idealistic young woman...

Belladonna of Sadness

Belladonna of Sadness is a 1973 anime film directed by Eiichi Yamamoto. The film follows the story of Jeanne a peasant woman that makes a deal with the devil to gain power and get her revenge after she is raped by the local nobility on her wedding night. Belladonna of...

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